
I’m so glad you are here.

The Intention

Create a safe space where clients can shut out the chaos of the world and calm their nervous system. Healing occurs when the body can rest and relax. In the most simplistic terms our nervous system has two states: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both states are necessary for life, sympathetic is our state of survival, keeping us alive when there is threat of imminent danger. When working properly, this state is more of a switch, turned on and off as needed. Unfortunately, in this society the sympathetic state gets switched on and does not switch off like it’s meant. When one is stuck in survival only basic needs are tended to, this is not sustainable in the long run. In session you will be able to switch off the sympathetic and enter into the parasympathetic. Parasympathetic is the state of rest and relaxation when our body is able to turn focus internally, this is where healing happens.  


Everyone is welcome at Balance by Dr Caity.

Dr Caity has a passion for working with mamas healing generational trauma in order to support them as they navigate parenting and healing. As a cycle breaking mama of two beautiful children Dr Caity has seen first hand the difference focusing on her own healing journey has had on her children. Her passion as a healer, is holding a safe and supportive space for each mama to re-discover and utilize her own medicine to heal as our bodies were designed to do.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing can come in many forms. Here we utilize Reiki, chakra balancing, sound healing, past life healings, crystals and so much more. Services can be provided both in person and virtually. Virtual sessions are held throughout the week.

In person sessions are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Located in Greenwood Village, CO at The Studios LLC